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Shifting Your Mindset

I am where I am. What I’m living is.Improving our energy, improves our life down the road. What’s manifesting now, must manifest now because of the result of how you flowed earlier.I flowed it so now I am living it.If I flowed it, and I am irritated how I...


Following your intuition can be a tricky game, at times you are a full on YES YES YES and in flow and in the know. Each turns feels magical and easy and as though you are walking on clouds. Then you take a turn and follow through and it doesn’t make sense to you. You...

Dancing Between the Shadows and the Light

This week I’ve been feeling like I’ve been dancing through realms. One minute I am up, the next I am down; holding it together to just make it to the car to curl up sobbing with an uncontrollable rage. I honour this process as I know it’s honouring the parts of me...

Ode to Pac

Sometimes we spark inspiration in someone without even knowing it. 2pac did this for me. Music was my vice when I was growing up and at an early age I was already belting out my favourite songs.  I remember spending hours waiting to press record at that perfect moment...

Shame Game

Here I am, making lunch in the kitchen and I get a flashback. A memory from when I was 12 came into my consciousness and I immediately felt shame.SO MUCH SHAME.I was at a Girl Guide Camp and I was making lunch. The girls on our site were helping out and I wanted to...


I popped into my Mailchimp account to take a look around tonight. I haven’t sent out a newsletter in months and since I changed platforms; I haven’t given myself the time and space to learn how to use it. So I went in, opened a saved template and saw the...

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