Happy New Year and Many Blessings to you all for 2015! The Angel Card for the Month of January is;
The Queen of Fire

Wow! What a powerful card to start the new year off with. The Queen of Fire is filled with passion, creation, beauty and taking action. The energy of 2015 is just that; Creation and Manifestation. This year, more than ever, the universal energy is amplifying our manifestation abilities. So now’s the time to go after your dreams. You may find at times that you feel so strongly about your path that you’ll want to yell it from the rooftops. When we have feelings with such conviction you may notice a little thing called fear coming around…. When we’re being called to change our lives, start new projects or just do things in a different way, the ego can start to poke its head around. Trust your own inner guidance and ask for help to make this process kinder. Though I don’t know about you but right now it feels as though anything is possible!
The Queen is very loving, nurturing and is quite gentle considering she is backed by the fire sign. She wants to help you emerge into this year with love, grace and beauty.
The Angels are guiding me to encourage you to focus on your dreams and in a positive way. Though you may not know how they will come to fruition quite yet, hold on to the possibility and joy around them. Allow yourself to play.
You are being encouraged to dream again. Remember when you were a child and your thoughts and dreams made you feel that the world was full of magic and possibilities! Give yourself permission to feel that again! Not everything has to feel so serious……
One thing that the Angels would like to touch upon is resolutions for the New Year. How many times have you set your intention around things that you don’t like in your life. There’s a beauty in being able to observe where you are and take action from a place free of judgement, though when you set goals because you’re in the mindset of ‘not being good enough’ that energy is going to follow you and you might set yourself up for potential hiccups along the way.
Allow yourself to set your intentions/resolutions from a place of kindness and beauty. If you choose to go back to the gym, do so because you love the feeling of a strong healthy body. Change your habits because you are a Divine Magnificent Being and that you love to eat healthful foods to fuel your body, quit smoking because you want to feel the endurance that your lungs have to offer, lessen your alcohol intake because it feels amazing when you’re not hungover! If you’re going back to school, do so because you love the feeling of learning and allowing yourself to grow. Honour where you are and who you are.
Focus on what you want and take action from the place of love. You will notice that there will be more ease, love and grace surrounding you in all that you do.
I wish all of you a phenomenal (yes! phenomenal!) year ahead. May it be filled with love – lavishly flowing, health – vital and strong and may you find abundance and prosperity with every turn.